A recent acquistion Wright 28 will be the work horse of Temple Research Observatory. Using a SBIG ST-2000XM CCD camera, CFW-8 filter wheel with Sloan photometric filters, moonlite focuser and Celestron CGE. This will be used primarily for automated photometry. It should be able to do 17th magnitude stars.
Temple 10
Temple 10 consists of an AstroTech AR 102 refractor, ATIK 414 EX CCD Camera mounted on an Orion sirius mount. It uses a Johnson V filter plus some other photometric filters as well. Though it is an achromatic refractor with chromatic aberration the narrow band photometric filters take care of the problem. You can do photometry down to 15th magnitude stars.
AstroTech ED 70
Occasionally the AstroTech ED 70 is mounted on the Orion Sirius mount. A SBIG ST-2000XCMI color camera is the camera often used with it. Though I have been just testing the setup shooting pretty pictures, I plan on doing three color photometry with it.
Clestron 6″ Refractor
Here is the latest edition. My wife called me and told me to check out this telescope for sale on my way to Morrison Observatory later that afternoon. This is a very nice 8″ F/5 (1000mm focal length) reflector. It gives nice images and though the mount is old and kludgy it still work!